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The First Three Months: Pregnancy Journey

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

The Positive Pregnancy Test

A few days have passed and there is no sign of your periods. You are getting the feeling that it might happen any day soon but the periods just don't come. Walking through the pharmacy aisle of Walmart, you come across the 'pregnancy test kit' and ask yourself, "Shall I take the pregnancy test or wait for a few days". Standing there anxiously and contemplating, you decide to give it a go and walk towards the pharmacist for guidance. He points you towards a few pregnancy test kits, and you choose the one you find most suitable.

The time had finally come. You are in the bathroom, about to take the test. You wait and wait, and voila, the positive line starts to show. Holding your breath, you inform your husband and ask him to double check. It's true, you are pregnant and a whirl of emotions run through your mind.

Visiting the Doctor

The very next day, you and your husband visit the doctor and he asks you to get a blood test done for confirmation. He needs to check the level of HCG hormone that indicates positive pregancy. Blood test reports arrive and the pregnancy is confirmed.

Sharing the news with family

It's confirmed and you now break in the news to your family and everyone is excited. They start sharing advices to be followed and give their tips and tricks based on their experience.

The First Trimester of Pregnancy

It is said that the first three months are the most crucial. A lot of changes are going on inside a woman's body. Along with physical changes, she also goes through an emotional journey. Being pregnant for the first time comes with a million of questions. One does everything to ensure that the baby stays healthy. Well, I did it too. I made sure that I followed each of the advice shared by my doctor, did my own research, started watching informative videos, and more. I also downloaded the Baby Centre App, which helped me track my pregnancy week by week. However there are many pregnancy apps that give amazing information and one can download based on their preferences.

Healthy tips for First Trimester

Sharing my personal opinion and after a through extensive research, here is what I have formulated. It becomes very important that a woman takes care of herself especially during pregnancy( Well, she should take care of herself all the time whether pregnant or not). I did so too, and here is what I learnt and practiced.

  1. Taking my prenatal vitamins daily: It is extremely important to take the vitamins everyday as it can help prevent neural tube defects and also provide nutrition to the baby that we cannot get from regular diet.

  2. Having regular doctor visits: Make sure that you are not skipping your doctor appointments as they check your weight, Blood pressure and Heartbeat of the baby to ensure that everything is going on well. Also, you would love to hear your baby's heartbeat everytime you go. It feels magical

  3. The first ultrasound: This is beyond magical, you get to see your teeny tiny baby for the first time. It is basically done for dating scan to give you an estimate about your due date.

  4. Eating healthy: Eat as much healthy as you can as your body needs nutrition. You are growing a human inside you, and it is no joke.

  5. Dealing with nausea and vomiting: Well, not everyone goes through this phase, but I did. I made sure that I ate a good breakfast as skipping breakfast would aggravate my nausea. I also ate ginger tablets, drank a lot of water, ate crackers. It is best to consider the doctor and also do your own research as each body is different.

  6. Enjoy your pregnancy: I know it can get hard sometimes as our bodies go through so much during pregnancy. But staying happy is important. Try not to take stress by indulging yourself in favorite routines. Do whatever that makes you happy.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and safe pregancy.

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